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Thank you for joining me for the free video guide preview. Need more time? Unlock life-time access to all of the 70+ color mixing video guide lessons, inside my Color Mixing MasterClass Course, when you enroll today!


Want to learn more about mixing colors?

Get started with the Color Mixing MasterClass Course to get access to 11 course modules (each module organized by color) with over 70 step-by-step video guides that will show you how to mix any color you might need and want!



What's inside the course?

There are 11 Color Mixing Modules (with over 8 hours of color mixing video instruction), inside your own private course portal that you will gain access to once you enroll. Each module contains, easy to follow sections organized (by color), comprised of 70+ step-by-step video guides that will show you how to mix over 200 shades of color!

How much does the course cost?

Enroll today for only $297.

When can I get started?

Right away! Once you enroll you'll be sent your individual login details to be able to get started using the Color Mixing MasterClass course to figure out how to mix the colors you've been struggling with.

I have your Color Mixing Master Guide ebook βˆ’ is this the same thing?

NOPE! The Color Mixing MasterClass is inspired by my ever popular Color Mixing Master Guide. However the MasterClass course is a step by step video training course that will show you how to mix colors and troubleshoot while mixing colors in action.

How long do I have access to the course?

You will have UNLIMITED, LIFETIME ACCESS to the Color Mixing MasterClass course to be able to reference time and time again - across any and all devices you own. So you don't have to worry about hurrying up and can go completely at your own pace.

Will I learn about color theory?

In the first module of the Color Mixing MasterClass course, you will receive a strong foundation in color theory principles βˆ’ but you will get to learn about them and see them applied through the action of color mixing. This course goes beyond simply "learning about color theory", by showing you how it works in real life while mixing colors for your painting or whatever application you prefer.

What if the exact color I'm trying to mix isn't in the course?

If you come across a color you're having trouble with... you can ask in the comment section below each and every video guide and I will help guide you throughπŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨ I might even add the colors you're asking about into the course's videos!

How will this course help me?

As part of you being able to look over my shoulder as I show you how to mix color in the videos βˆ’ you will not only see how I mix colors but also specifically how I troubleshoot and experiment while mixing different colors. So you will actually learn how to make any sort of color you may need and will find yourself getting stuck less and less!

What if I need help?

There are multiple ways for you to receive help! You will have access to me and other students inside the course portal community. Also as a student, you will also have access to the private Art Studio Life School Facebook group where you can interact with myself and others and ask your questions and even get feedback on your work as you mix colors for your art! Last but never least, you can email me your questions βˆ’ all course students get priority 1-2 day response, typically sooner depending on time zonesπŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

Is the course live or pre-recorded?

This course is comprised of pre-recorded video guides that you can stop, pause, play as much as you need.

Do you offer a free trial or guarantee?

There is not a free trial per se βˆ’ however the course comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee! This way you can enroll and try out the course completely risk free to make sure it is the ultimate tool for you!

" Taking the Color Mixing Course was an eye opener to color in painting not only in oils but in all mediums... I have used it to improve my oils, acrylics and watercolors! I truly feel that my painting has improved by taking the Color MasterClass. "

~ Linda Beltrano

Ready to improve your color mixing?

Now is the time to get started if you want to improve your color mixing skills.

I have found the course to be very easy to follow, Elisabeth has a great way of clearly communicating her knowledge and the color mixing videos are easily managed in small bite sized chunks. I would highly recommend this course to all who are interested in improving their artistic pursuits no matter what level you have reached.

β€” Warren Petherbridge